This information belongs to Pearland Asian Town LLC. t is only used by the asset manager or sales organizat ion to promote
products to specific customers; without the consent of the asset manager, no organization or individual may use any means
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obtain this informaton,please return the information to the asset manager or sales organization. Thisinformationis only prepared for
a brief introduction of the product, and is not alegal basis for purchasing the product. For specific content, please refer to the asset
management contract investment manual and other legal documents. The opinions and forecasts in this material only represent
the views of the asset manager at that time, and may stillbe changed in the future; the structured financing plan designed in the
material is uncertain, and the final plan shall be determined in theinvestment contract signed by the company and theinvestor; The
past performance of the company citedin the materal does not indicate the future performance of this product.Although the special
account wealth management product has great flexiblilty, the product has certain risks. This product does not guarantee the principal
from loss and does not promise the minimum retum. Investors should make investment decisions after fully understanding the
relevant risks. This important notce is an important part of this mater
ial. Sales organizations should remind investors to read this part
carefully when introducing products to specific customers. Any insttution or indvidual shall not delete this part whenintroducing or
distributing this material toinvestors.
PearlandAsian Town 商业地产项目
本资料属于 Pearland Asian Town LLC. 所 有 ,仅 供资产管理人或销售机构向特定客户推介产品之用; 未 经资产管理人同意 , 任何机构及个
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品的法律依据,具体内容须参见资产管理合同、 投 资说明书等法定文件。 本 材料中的观点和预测仅代表资产管理人当时观点,今后仍可能发生
改变; 材 料中设计的结构融资方案存在不确定性,最 后方案以公司与投资者签署的投资合同中确定的为准 ;材 料中引用的公司过往业绩并不预
示本产品的未来表现。 尽 管专户理财产品具有很大的灵活性,但产品存在一定风险, 本 产品 不保障本金不受损失、 不承诺最低收益,投 资者应
在充分了解相关风险后作出投资决策。本重要提示为本 材料的重要部分,销售机构在向特定客户推介产品时应提醒投资者仔细阅读本部分内容,
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